Monday, May 3, 2010


Wanted to do some housecleaning on my blog...make it all pretty, but am frustrated with the limitations (both mine and bloggers) of what can be changed and shifted. I see some blogs that are so pretty and everything is properly in its place.
I can relate to closet cleaning. Help me Blogger! Design this like my closet where I can chuck, shift, move, destroy, etc. That would be much more fun.


Hart Johnson said...

I've gone with EASY thus far, but I think there are a lot of sites out there have have layouts where you can just copy the code and use it (pimpmyblog, maybe?) Do a little browsing... the people who use those have little notes in the corner, as that is how it all happens for free--the advertising piece.

Of course that doesn't mean I've done it yet... I just keep adding stuff and it looks cluttered. But then that is how my house is too...

Good luck!

Lisa McLellan said...

Thanks Hart! I'll check it out.:)

Deb and Barbara said...

I still don't know what everything does or how it all works! And the worst thing is that the few things I was able to pick up when I was intensely starting up my own has all floated off to Nevernever Land!

Obviously, I'm no help at all! Barbara

Lisa McLellan said...

Maybe I'll just stay a little bit messy. It tends to make things interesting.